1052: Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous

In your SELECT statement you need to preface your id with the table you want to choose it from.

SELECT tbl_names.id, name, section 
FROM tbl_names
INNER JOIN tbl_section 
   ON tbl_names.id = tbl_section.id


SELECT tbl_section.id, name, section 
FROM tbl_names
INNER JOIN tbl_section 
   ON tbl_names.id = tbl_section.id

SQL supports qualifying a column by prefixing the reference with either the full table name:

SELECT tbl_names.id, tbl_section.id, name, section
  FROM tbl_names
  JOIN tbl_section ON tbl_section.id = tbl_names.id 

...or a table alias:

SELECT n.id, s.id, n.name, s.section
  FROM tbl_names n
  JOIN tbl_section s ON s.id = n.id 

The table alias is the recommended approach -- why type more than you have to?

Why Do These Queries Look Different?

Secondly, my answers use ANSI-92 JOIN syntax (yours is ANSI-89). While they perform the same, ANSI-89 syntax does not support OUTER joins (RIGHT, LEFT, FULL). ANSI-89 syntax should be considered deprecated, there are many on SO who will not vote for ANSI-89 syntax to reinforce that. For more information, see this question.