2 bit wide 2 to 1 MUX code example
Example: 4 to 1 5 bit mux
module mux_4to1_assign ( input [3:0] a, // 4-bit input called a
input [3:0] b, // 4-bit input called b
input [3:0] c, // 4-bit input called c
input [3:0] d, // 4-bit input called d
input [1:0] sel, // input sel used to select between a,b,c,d
output [3:0] out); // 4-bit output based on input sel
// When sel[1] is 0, (sel[0]? b:a) is selected and when sel[1] is 1, (sel[0] ? d:c) is taken
// When sel[0] is 0, a is sent to output, else b and when sel[0] is 0, c is sent to output, else d
assign out = sel[1] ? (sel[0] ? d : c) : (sel[0] ? b : a);