2100: Detection error on HDD0 black screen error lenovo thinkpad carbon x1

On the ThinkPad twist the ls-8672p the connector between the HDD and motherboard I have found to be a cause for concern after having 3 weeks of trouble with a customer who was receiving the HDD error on boot. I replaced the HDD with SSD and problem went away, only to return again a day later.

Upon removal of the integrated caching drive with no joy, I took a look at the connector between the HDD and mobo and realized it was corroded on most the contacts (dull appearance). I used contact cleaner on both connections.

GO INTO BIOS FIRST AND DISABLE BATTERY BEFORE DISASSEMBLING, and unplug the battery once inside. The connector looks like an L shape and has 1 screw securing it to the chassis.

Once I cleaned it problem was solved, turns out the motherboard isn't the issue, it's all to do with a bad connection. To test my theory you could put some pressure on the angled plastic below the right control key while booting and most times the unit will boot, then lock up when you release pressure, it just needs a good cleaning on those contacts.

An example of the ls-8672p connector so you know what you're looking for:

enter image description here

Well, Stuart's solution this has solved my problem too! I've had issues with the SSD intermittently hanging and disappearing altogether for months. Replacing the drive made no difference. Lenovo support dispatched a technician who replaced not only the system board but also the SSD (technically a second time since I replaced the SSD once already). Still, the same unfortunate problem came back a few days later. Rather than send the laptop to Lenovo for weeks to undergo repair I decided to look around and came across your post. I wouldn't checked inside to see that the system board has a bracket to connect the fixed storage device.

After scrubbing the contacts on both sides of the bracket and also on the system board using 99% isopropyl, I put everything back together, and to my amazement, there is absolutely no more disk errors/timeouts/detection issues. Such an easy fix! Lenovo should include this step when replacing any system board when the problem is an HDD0 detection error.