26 Singers, 26 Letters

Python 2, 80 71 bytes

def f(s):i=sum(map(ord,s))%98%40;return chr(i-i/26*18+i/32*3-i/37*8+65)

Try it online!

The sums of ordinals modded give numbers between 0 and 38

The numbers larger than 25 are then shifted to fill in the blanks as below (sorted sequence shown):

  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  -  -  -  - 13 14  - 16  - 18  -  -  - 22 23 24 25  - 27 28 29 30  - 32  - 34 35 36  - 38

Subtract 18 if i>25:

  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  -  -  -  - 13 14  - 16  - 18  -  -  - 22 23 24 25
                          - 27 28 29 30  - 32  - 34 35 36  - 38

Add 3 if i>31:

  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  -  -  -  - 13 14  - 16  - 18  -  -  - 22 23 24 25
                          - 27 28 29 30  
                                                  - 32  - 34 35 36  - 38

Subtract 8 if i>37:

  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  -  -  -  - 13 14  - 16  - 18  -  -  - 22 23 24 25
                          - 27 28 29 30  
                                                  - 32  - 34 35 36  
                                            - 38

Which gives the sequence 0..25

  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

These are then converted to A-Z with chr(i+65)

6502 machine code routine (C64), 83 bytes

20 FD AE 20 9E AD 85 FC 20 A3 B6 A9 79 85 FB A0 00 84 FD B1 22 10 03 69 A0 18
45 FD 65 FB 85 FD E6 FB C8 C4 FC D0 EC E9 29 B0 FC 69 29 C9 1A 90 1C 29 0F C9
0D 90 04 69 09 90 12 C9 02 F0 0F C9 08 D0 04 A9 06 D0 06 C9 0C D0 02 A9 11 18
69 41 4C D2 FF

This is position-independent code, just put it somewhere in RAM and jump there, e.g. using the sys command.

Online demo (loads to $C000/49152).

Usage: sys49152,"[name]", e.g. sys49152,"Aretha Franklin".

Important: If the program was load from disk (like in the online demo), issue a new command first! This is necessary because loading a machine program trashes some C64 BASIC pointers.

Note: The C64 is by default in a mode without lowercase letters -- in order to be able to enter readable names, switch to lowercase mode first by pressing SHIFT+CBM.


The challenge is in fact to find a minimal perfect hash function for these names; for the C64, I had to find one that's easily computable in simple 8bit operations. Here's a commented disassembly listing:

.C:c000  20 FD AE    JSR $AEFD          ; consume comma
.C:c003  20 9E AD    JSR $AD9E          ; evaluate expression
.C:c006  85 FC       STA $FC            ; save string length
.C:c008  20 A3 B6    JSR $B6A3          ; free string
.C:c00b  A9 79       LDA #$79           ; value for adding during hashing
.C:c00d  85 FB       STA $FB
.C:c00f  A0 00       LDY #$00           ; offset for reading string
.C:c011  84 FD       STY $FD            ; and initial hash value
.C:c013   .hashloop:
.C:c013  B1 22       LDA ($22),Y        ; read next character from string
.C:c015  10 03       BPL .xor           ; if bit 8 set (shifted)
.C:c017  69 A0       ADC #$A0           ; translate to same unshifted character
.C:c019  18          CLC
.C:c01a   .xor:
.C:c01a  45 FD       EOR $FD            ; xor with previous hash
.C:c01c  65 FB       ADC $FB            ; add offset
.C:c01e  85 FD       STA $FD            ; store new hash
.C:c020  E6 FB       INC $FB            ; increment offset
.C:c022  C8          INY
.C:c023  C4 FC       CPY $FC
.C:c025  D0 EC       BNE .hashloop      ; repeat until last character
.C:c027   .modloop:
.C:c027  E9 29       SBC #$29           ; subtract $29 until
.C:c029  B0 FC       BCS .modloop       ; underflow, then
.C:c02b  69 29       ADC #$29           ; add once again ( => mod $29)
.C:c02d  C9 1A       CMP #$1A           ; value in hash range?
.C:c02f  90 1C       BCC .tochar        ; -> output
.C:c031  29 0F       AND #$0F           ; mask lowest 4 bits only
.C:c033  C9 0D       CMP #$0D           ; greater 12 ?
.C:c035  90 04       BCC .fixedvals     
.C:c037  69 09       ADC #$09           ; then just add 10 (9 plus carry)
.C:c039  90 12       BCC .tochar        ; and done -> output
.C:c03b   .fixedvals:
.C:c03b  C9 02       CMP #$02           ; 2 becomes 3 by adding
.C:c03d  F0 0F       BEQ .tochar2       ; with carry (jump after the CLC)
.C:c03f  C9 08       CMP #$08           ; if value was 8
.C:c041  D0 04       BNE .check2
.C:c043  A9 06       LDA #$06           ; new value is 6
.C:c045  D0 06       BNE .tochar        ; and output
.C:c046   .check2:
.C:c047  C9 0C       CMP #$0C           ; else if value was 12
.C:c049  D0 02       BNE .tochar
.C:c04b  A9 11       LDA #$11           ; new value is 17
.C:c04d   .tochar:
.C:c04d  18          CLC
.C:c04d   .tochar2:
.C:c04e  69 41       ADC #$41           ; add character code for 'a'
.C:c050  4C D2 FF    JMP $FFD2          ; jump to kernal CHROUT routine

Test suite (C64 BASIC, containing the machine code routine in data lines)

1sY49152,"Aretha Franklin":?":Aretha Franklin"
2sY49152,"Ray Charles":?":Ray Charles"
3sY49152,"Elvis Presley":?":Elvis Presley"
4sY49152,"Sam Cooke":?":Sam Cooke"
5sY49152,"John Lennon":?":John Lennon"
6sY49152,"Marvin Gaye":?":Marvin Gaye"
7sY49152,"Bob Dylan":?":Bob Dylan"
8sY49152,"Otis Redding":?":Otis Redding"
9sY49152,"Stevie Wonder":?":Stevie Wonder"
10sY49152,"James Brown":?":James Brown"
11sY49152,"Paul McCartney":?":Paul McCartney"
12sY49152,"Little Richard":?":Little Richard"
13sY49152,"Roy Orbison":?":Roy Orbison"
14sY49152,"Al Green":?":Al Green"
15sY49152,"Robert Plant":?":Robert Plant"
16sY49152,"Mick Jagger":?":Mick Jagger"
17sY49152,"Tina Turner":?":Tina Turner"
18sY49152,"Freddie Mercury":?":Freddie Mercury"
19sY49152,"Bob Marley":?":Bob Marley"
20sY49152,"Smokey Robinson":?":Smokey Robinson"
21sY49152,"Johnny Cash":?":Johnny Cash"
22sY49152,"Etta James":?":Etta James"
23sY49152,"David Bowie":?":David Bowie"
24sY49152,"Van Morrison":?":Van Morrison"
25sY49152,"Michael Jackson":?":Michael Jackson"
26sY49152,"Jackie Wilson":?":Jackie Wilson"

Online demo of test suite.

Python 2, 68 bytes

def f(n):i=hash(n)%337%125%45;return chr(65+i-i/25*2-i/29*21+i/35*2)

Try it online!