31.0.0 is not a valid SDK Version. Options are 32.0.0 UNVERSIONED

This is a known issue https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/3112

It is due to the Expo application from the Play Store having a bug. If you are using v2.10.0 then you should upgrade to v2.10.1


Sorry guys for the trouble 😞 We've fixed this issue in v2.10.1 that was released just a few hours later so you should already have an update.



Fix issues when loading experiences with SDK older than 32

Here is how I fixed mine in case any of the above answers don't work for you.

Open up your app.json and sdkVersion. It was 33.0.0 before upgrading it as below fix the issue.

    "sdkVersion": "35.0.0"

You can downgrade it by changing those files that refer to version 32 to the one that your mobile supports like 28:

app.json :

"sdkVersion": "32.0.0""sdkVersion": "28.0.0"

package.json :

"expo": "^32.0.0","expo": "28.0.0"
"react-native": ".../sdk-32.0.0.tar.gz","react-native": ".../sdk-28.0.0.tar.gz"
"jest-expo": "^32.0.0""jest-expo": "28.0.0"

try updating your expo application from the play store. It worked for me.