3d game with Python, starting from nothing

There's Pygame: A game framework for the Python language. If you need to know the basics for game development (engine, flow, ui, mathematics), this framework with all its examples will help you a lot. This won't take you by the hand and guide you step by step through game-development, but if you need a reference and a decent framework, than this is a good start.

There's also PyOpenGL: The official Python wrapper for OpenGL programming. Again with lots of programming examples in the field and tons of code snippets on how to use 3d models and the likes. Can be used together with PyGame.

But you should start by familiarizing yourself with some 3D basics. Look around at the GameDev.net site. Learn a thing or two about matrices (and perhaps quaternions). There are lots of beginners tutorials and references available to get you started.

edit: I almost forgot: there's also Panda3D with extensive scripting possibilities for Python. Maybe that'll offer a higher level of game development.

Panda3D is a nice, powerful game engine which allows for scripting in Python. This looks like a good place to start.

If you seek something more low-level, there's still PyOpenGL or pygame.

An alternative to PyGame, which I personally prefer, is pyglet. http://pyglet.org

You can actually develop games in Blender via Python. There are quite a few tutorials, I'll let you google around for the style you like.

More info here



