3D image stack with tikz
Here is an example that defines a new \imagestack
command. The stack is created by drawing the frames in the background on a background layer.
% set the order of the layers (main is the standard layer)
% \imagestack{image_name}{position}{path_to_image}
\newcommand{\imagestack}[3] {
\node[inner sep=0, draw] (#1) at (#2) {\includegraphics[width = 2cm]{#3}};
\coordinate (offset) at (0.05cm, 0.05cm);
% draw on the background layer
\foreach \i in {3,...,1}
\filldraw[draw=black, fill=white] ($(#1.south east) + \i*(offset)$) rectangle ($(#1.north west) + \i*(offset)$);