4 principles of object oriented programming code example
Example 1: oop principles
Abstraction (Partial Abstraction & Interfaces)
Encapsulation (Private Field & Getter & Setter)
Inheritance (Super and Sub Class)
Polymorphism (Static - Overloading & Dynanmic - Overriding)
Example 2: principles of object oriented programming
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Creating objects
Cat thor = new Cat();
Cat rambo = new Cat();
Defining Thor cat
thor.name = "Thor";
thor.age = 3;
thor.breed = "Russian Blue";
thor.color = "Brown";
Defining Rambo cat
rambo.name = "Rambo";
rambo.age = 4;
rambo.breed = "Maine Coon";
rambo.color = "Brown";