A bash one-liner to change into the directory where some file is located
cd $(dirname `which python`)
Even easier (actually tested this time):
function cdfoo() { cd $(dirname `which $@`); }
Then "cdfoo python".
To avoid all those external programs ('dirname' and far worse, the useless but popular 'which') maybe a bit rewritten:
cdfoo() {
tgtbin=$(type -P "$1")
[[ $? != 0 ]] && {
echo "Error: '$1' not found in PATH" >&2
return 1
cd "${tgtbin%/*}"
This also fixes the uncommon keyword 'function' from above and adds (very simple) error handling.
May be a start for a more sphisticated solution.
For comparison:
zsh:~% cd =vi(:h) zsh:/usr/bin%
=cmd expands to the path to cmd and (:h) is a glob modifier to take the head
zsh is write-only but powerful.