A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source"Product_Detail" in Microsoft reporting service

I bumped into this problem while using version 10 of the ReportViewer while using Visual Studio.Net 2012 to edit code.

I found a solution by taking the name of the Data Source in the error message (in the case above, it's "Product_Detail"). I then went into source code view, found the ReportViewer, its DataSources, and then inside its ReportDataSource.

I set the Name property of the ReportDataSource to the same as the Data Source mentioned in the error message (ie "Product_Detail").

I hope this works for you as it did for me.

Also, if you have the latitude to use a later version of the ReportViewer control, you may find that this problem either doesn't appear or is easier to solve.

"ProductsDataSet" is the name of the DataSource you are giving it. Your Error is saying "A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source“Product_Detail” in Microsoft reporting service"

I'm assuming you're assigning it the wrong name.


ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("Product_Detail", ds.Tables[0]);

If you do have a datasource in the report called "ProductsDataSet" then you probably have 2, in which you'd wanna delete the one you aren't using or assign it a datasource as well.

I ran into this in VS2013 in my c# app.. so in case others get here..If you added the dataset in the report designer.. Go to your form, in the designer, click the action arrow on the reportviewer control. Select Rebind Data Sources.