A Lazy Bag of Bread

JavaScript (ES6), 114 bytes

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Takes input as an array of characters. Outputs a comma-separated string where the first value is the total time and the next ones describe the path.


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a => (                          // a[] = input array
  b =                           // b = best score so far (initially a non-numeric value)
  g = (                         // g = recursive function taking:
    r,                          //   r = path
    s =                         //   s = string of collected loaves of bread
    o = '',                     //   o = final output
    c,                          //   c = current cost
    p                           //   p = index of the last visited shelf 
  ) =>                          //
    s[c > b                     // if the final cost is not greater than our best score
            | 4] ?              // and we've successfully collected 5 loaves of bread:
      o = (b = c) + r           //   update the current output and the best score
    :                           // else:
      a.map((v, i) =>           //   for each loaf of bread v at shelf i in a[]:
        s.match(v) ||           //     if we've already collected this kind of bread
        (d =                    //     or the distance d
          p < i ? i - p : p - i //     defined as the absolute value of p - i
        ) < 2 ||                //     is less than 2: stop recursion
        g(                      //     otherwise, do a recursive call to g() with:
          [r, i],               //       r updated with the index of the current shelf
          s + v,                //       s updated with the current loaf of bread
          ~~c + d,              //       c updated with the last distance
          i                     //       i as the index of the last shelf
        )                       //     end of recursive call
      )                         //   end of map()
      && o                      //   return the current output
  )``                           // initial call to g() with r = [""]