A simple geometric problem, solving $f'(x)=\frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{r(x)^2-f(x)^2}}$, given $r(x)$.
Here we assume in general that the plane curve is $C\in\textbf{C}^{(1)}[a,b]$ and of the form
C:\overline{x}(s)=\left\{A(s),B(s)\right\},\tag 1
where $s$ is its canonical parameter i.e.
(A'(s))^2+(B'(s))^2=1.\tag 2
If $P_0\in C$ (a point of the curve) and $t(P_0)$ is the tangent line in $P_0$ and $O_1=(x_1,0)$ is the intersection of $t(P_0)$ with the $x-$axis, then $r(s_0)=|P_0O_1|$. Hence
and $O_1:y_1=0$. Hence
-B(s_0)=\frac{B'(s_0)}{A'(s_0)}(x_1-A(s_0))\Leftrightarrow x_1-x_0=-B(s_0)\frac{A'(s_0)}{B'(s_0)}.
Hence when $s_0$ varies, we get
\frac{B'(s)}{B(s)}=\frac{\pm 1}{r(s)}\Rightarrow B(s)=\exp\left(\pm\int\frac{ds}{r(s)}\right).
Also form (2) we get
=\pm\int\sqrt{1-\frac{\exp\left(\pm2\int r^{-1}(s)ds\right)}{r(s)^2}}ds
Hence for a given $r(s)$, the curve can be parametrized as
\overline{x}(s)=\left\{\pm\int\sqrt{1-\frac{1}{r(s)^2}\exp\left(\pm2\int\frac{ds}{r(s)}\right)}ds,\exp\left(\pm\int\frac{ds}{r(s)}\right)\right\},\tag 3
for $s\in[a,b]$ and $s$ being its canonical parameter.