A simple way to view ipython notebook

Checkout this Firefox plugin. Python Notebook Viewer

Its is easy to use, Does not require you to open terminal/command prompt and can be used offline as well. Just follow steps below.

  1. Install from Firefox Addons site
  2. Drag and drop .ipynb files into firefox.
  3. alternatively you can also open notebook from menu-> file -> open file

Chrome version : Jupyter Notebook Viewer

Not the same developer but works the same way, globally.

There appears to be limited non-GitHub options for sharing notebooks. You can still share a link directly from Google's colaboratory. This will allow you to:

  • Upload your file
  • Share the link with various permissions

Any Google user can view (and optionally edit) your notebook.

See also other options:

  • Jupyter Notebooks IPYNB Viewer: chrome extension to view/convert nbs
  • binder: sharing notebooks from a GitHub repo; (see related blog post)
  • nbviewer: for viewing hosted notebooks from GitHub or a url (as mentioned)
  • JupyterHub: hosting notebooks on a private server, e.g. local, DigitalOcean
  • Azure Notebooks: host notebooks on an Azure server (see sample notebook)
  • repo2docker: spawn docker container from a git repo of notebooks
  • commuter: read notebooks from a local directory or S3 service
  • cocalc: collaborative and share private notebooks
  • nextjournal: publish notebooks and save work as containers
  • Deepnote: real-time collaborative notebooks with simple setup
  • fastpages: convert notebooks/markdown to GitHub pages via GitHub Actions (thanks Björn)
  • DataCamp Workspace: real-time collaborative notebooks with built-in datasets and code templates