A "too much recursion" error in Firefox only sometimes?

This is just some additional info for other people trying to look for similar "too much recursion" errors in their code. Looks like firefox (as an example) gets too much recursion at about 6500 stack frames deep in this example: function moose(n){if(n%100 === 0)console.log(n);moose(n+1)};moose(0) . Similar examples can see depths of between 5000 and 7000. Not sure what the determining factors are, but it seems the number of parameters in the function drastically decrease the stack frame depth at which you get a "too much recursion" error. For example, this only gets to 3100:

function moose(n,m,a,s,d,fg,g,q,w,r,t,y,u,i,d){if(n%100 === 0)console.log(n);moose(n+1)};moose(0)

If you want to get around this, you can use setTimeout to schedule iterations to continue from the scheduler (which resets the stack). This obviously only works if you don't need to return something from the call:

function recurse(n) {
  if(n%100 === 0)
    setTimeout(function() {

Proper tail calls in ECMAScript 6 will solve the problem for some cases where you do need to return something from calls like this. Until then, for cases with deep recursion, the only answers are using either iteration, or the setTimeout method I mentioned.

I came across this error. The scenario in my case was different. The culprit code was something like this (which is simple concatenation recessively)

    string_a .= row['name'];

I found that JavaScript throws error on 180th recursion. Up till 179 loop, the code runs fine.

The behaviors in Safaris is exactly the same, except that the error it shows is "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded." It throws this error on 180 recursion as well.

Although this is not related to function call but it might help somebody who are stuck with it.

The code in question -- by itself -- should never result in an infinite recursion issue -- there is no function-statement and all the function objects are eagerly assigned to the variables. (If pageload is first undefined it will be assigned a No-Operation function, see next section.)

I suspect there is additional code/events that is triggering the behavior. One thing that may cause it is if the script/code is triggered twice during a page lifetime. The 2nd time pageload will not be undefined and will keep the original value, which if it is the function that calls the other two functions, will lead to infinite recursion.

I would recommend cleaning up the approach -- and having any issues caused by the complications just disappear ;-) What is the desired intent?

Happy coding.