A white number inside a black circle.

Created from this answer linked in the question above.

            \node[shape=circle,fill,inner sep=2pt] (char) {\textcolor{white}{#1}};}}


In what context do you want to use the numbers?

This does work in many situations. Observe that the color of the number and the circle are chosen automatically.

\newcommand{\ballnumber}[1]{\tikz[baseline=(myanchor.base)] \node[circle,fill=.,inner sep=1pt] (myanchor) {\color{-.}\bfseries\footnotesize #1};}

Earum excepturi inventore necessitatibus aliquid reiciendis enim.  \ballnumber{37} Earum excepturi inventore necessitatibus aliquid reiciendis enim.

enter image description here

Edit:The question Good way to make \textcircled numbers? is related.