Abnormally stretched arrow inside environment

No need to reinvent the wheel, the tcolorbox package allows you to create a box that does what you want.


enter image description here





% title style "solution" 
\tcbset{titleresume/.style={boxed title style={colframe=black,colbacktitle=white,arc=3pt,boxrule=.6pt}}}

% box creating the box "solution"
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-3mm,xshift=5pt},

main node/.style={inner sep=0,outer sep=0},
label node/.style={inner sep=0,outer ysep=.2em,outer xsep=.4em,font=\scriptsize,overlay},
strike out/.style={shorten <=-.2em,shorten >=-.5em,overlay}
  \node[main node](N){$#2$};
  \node[label node,#1, anchor=south west] at (N.north east){$#3$};
  \draw[strike out,-latex,#1]  (N.south west) -- (N.north east);
  \node[main node](N){$#2$};
  \node[label node,#1, anchor=north west] at (N.south east){$#3$};
  \draw[strike out,-latex,#1]  (N.north west) -- (N.south east);
    \text{This is good:}\qquad \cancelto[red]{2x-1}{1}

    \text{This is good too:}\qquad \cancelto[red]{2x-1}{1}

One way to work around this issue is to use a box and typeset the contents into that:

enter image description here


  • Use tikzset instead of \tikzstyle: Should \tikzset or \tikzstyle be used to define TikZ styles?
  • I also replaced the center environment with \centering as that results in less vertical spacing.





\tikzset{fancytitle3/.style={draw=black, fill=white, text=black, rounded corners = 3pt, inner sep = 3}}

  \node[rectangle, rounded corners = 7pt, inner sep = 10 ,minimum width=0.9\textwidth,
     text opacity=1,
    draw=orange, ultra thick, draw opacity=1,
    fill=white, fill opacity=1] (box)
     \node[fancytitle3, right=5pt] at (box.north west) {\textsl{\textbf{\begin{small}Solution \end{small}} }};
main node/.style={inner sep=0,outer sep=0},
label node/.style={inner sep=0,outer ysep=.2em,outer xsep=.4em,font=\scriptsize,overlay},
strike out/.style={shorten <=-.2em,shorten >=-.5em,overlay}
        \node[main node](N){$#2$};
        \node[label node,#1, anchor=south west] at (N.north east){$#3$};
        \draw[strike out,-latex,#1]  (N.south west) -- (N.north east);
  \node[main node](N){$#2$};
  \node[label node,#1, anchor=north west] at (N.south east){$#3$};
  \draw[strike out,-latex,#1]  (N.north west) -- (N.south east);
    \text{This is good:}\qquad \cancelto[red]{2x-1}{1}
    \text{This is now also good:}\qquad \cancelto[red]{2x-1}{1}


Tikz Arrows