Absolute DIV height 100%

Well it looks to me that your element with all the content is floated. If it is then its not going to expand the body unless it is cleared.

new approach
This should do it ..

using display:table on your 2 elements should do it (it works in my tests). (but you wil have to assign width values now..

However i am not sure if you should define nested elements as table-cell etc.. which would become unmanageable..

Have a try though ..

old non working version
Have you tried on #gradient and #holes the following ?
#gradient {

Note that the height property specified in percentage is calculated with the respect to the containing block ..which doesn't necessary have to be the immediate ancestor – "The containing block for a positioned box is established by the nearest positioned ancestor or, if none exists, the initial containing block". I bet this is what's going on in the questioner's case as there is no positioned ancestor (the one with position: set either to relative or absolute).

So the "containing block" resolves to the initial containing block which corresponds with the dimensions of the viewport (window). Setting position:relative to body will take the body's height into account and stretch the absolutely positioned content along body completely.

More on containing block here.

I was having the same issue. Fixed it by changing position: absolute to position: fixed.