Accessing OneDrive folder on Windows partition
I found it! Michael's WSL link provided the answer.
I just need to delete the reparsepoint for OneDrive before I shutdown Windows. Here's my code: fsutil reparsepoint delete "C:\Path\To\OneDrive\Folder"
I followed the steps above, but it only worked for the root directory, and it's annoying to have to run this at every shutdown.
I found a different solution.
- In Windows, go to the settings for OneDrive, and untick the option to Save space and download files as you use them on the Settings tab.
- Sign out of your OneDrive account (this should save your settings)
- Go to your OneDrive folder (C:\Users\\OneDrive), and delete or move the folder to a different location.
- Reboot your PC.
- Sign back into OneDrive, and let the sync complete.
- Boot into Linux, and the folders and files should be accessible.