Acclerate docker pull in China/Asia

As I know,

dockerpull published their local repository, so you can simply put their host in front of the repository this way:

docker pull

And a more graceful way is to use registry mirror from daocloud, append below line to /etc/default/ or /etc/default/docker

DOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --registry-mirror="

Please be noted that YOUR_ID need to be replaced by your registered ID, which is provided after you register an account on So far the lunch is almost free, you got 10GB bandwidth monthly to go.

As a Docker Toolbox user, you can create a docker machine with --engine-registry-mirror . eg.

docker-machine create -d virtualbox --engine-registry-mirror dev 

or add it in the docker machine settings in ~\.docker\machine\machines\<machine name>\config.json like this.

"HostOptions": {
        "EngineOptions": {
            "RegistryMirror": [
            "InstallURL": ""

other mirrors:

  • docker-cn
  • 163
  • daocloud
  • alicloud
  • ustc

There is an official mirror from docker in China.

You can add "" to the registry-mirrors array in /etc/docker/daemon.json to pull from the China registry mirror by default.

{ "registry-mirrors": [""] }

