ADB is not detecting my android device on Ubuntu

My phone thought it was connected to the computer, but the computer wouldn't recognize it. On my phone I tapped the notification for 'USB Debugging Enabled', scrolled to 'USB Debugging', and toggled the setting off and on again. adb then saw my phone.

from lsusb output I see that your device connected to Bus 004 as a device 005

Here it is Bus 004 Device 005: ID 1004:6300 LG Electronics, Inc.

I see that you did not create any group.You need to create a group (if permission denied prepend "sudo" following commands):

1) add plugdev group:

 groupadd plugdev

2) add your username to plugdev group (useradd -G {group-name} username):

 useradd -G plugdev orvi

3) restart udev (you may need to log off and log back in to update user group):

 sudo service udev restart

4) Now reload the rules with the following commands:

 sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
 sudo service udev restart
 sudo udevadm trigger

5) Verify device is now allowing plugdev user group access

ls -l /dev/bus/usb/<bus number from step 4>

It should give something like that:

  crw-rw-rw- 1 root plugdev 189, 329 Jul  3 18:23 074

6) Run adb devices to confirm permissions are correct and enjoy!

I know your issue was solved, but for everyone in the future make sure you don't have two versions of adb running. Android Studio comes with adb and I installed adb through yum. The instances were interfering with each other and caused lots of issues including not being able to see my device.