Add a dependency to an Android Cordova plugin
You have to use your own gradle file then link it on the plugin.xml
like this
<framework src="relative/path/your.gradle" custom="true" type="gradleReference" />
You have to put that tag on the plugin.xml
, so on plugin install it's read and cordova handles it (not sure how it works internally, but I suppose that it copies the values from your custom .gradle to the main build.gradle).
So you can't test it on your current project, you have to create a new project and add the plugin and see if it works
The Cordova Android plugins doc (in "Adding Dependency Libraries") specify that you can add dependency libraries with the <framework>
tag in your plugin.xml
So for the scissors dependency you can use:
<platform name="android">
<framework src="com.lyft:scissors:1.0.1" />