Add a vector to a list of vectors

I recommend using Transpose twice since it is more efficient than other approaches. Moreover Plus has the Listable attribute, thus one need not map Plus over a list (vector).

Transpose[v1 + Transpose[v2]]
{{a + d, b + e, c + f}, {a + g, b + h, c + i}, {a + j, b + k, c + l}}

Having said that remember that one can rewrite it very concisely in the Front-End: Esc tr Esc :

enter image description here

To achieve what you need requires to distribute the sum over v2:

(v1 + # &) /@ v2

which is a short form of:

Map[ v1 + # &, v2 ]

Alternative method using the magic that is Inner:

Inner[Plus, {a, b, c}, Transpose@{{d, e, f}, {g, h, i}, {j, k, l}}, List]