Add album-art cover to mp3/ogg file from command-line in batch mode?


Using lame you can do this using a little scripting:

$ lame --ti /path/to/file.jpg audio.mp3

If the files are named something like this you can make a shell script to do what you want:

for i in file1.mp3 file2.mp3 file3.mp3; do
  albart=$(echo $i | sed 's/.mp3/.jpg/')
  lame --ti /path/to/$albart $i

You can make the above slightly more compact and eliminate the need for sed by using bash to do it by having it remove the matching suffix:



If you want to do this on a large scale I'd suggest using Picard which is the frontend tool for using the MusicBrainz database. There is a plugin to Picard called "Cover Art Downloader", which can do this to batches of your collection.

  • MusicBrainz
  • Picard
  • Picard Plugins

The above doesn't appear to be command line driven however.


Another option would be to use beets. This can be driven from the command-line and makes use of MusicBrainz database for sourcing the album art.


You can either source the album art usingFetchArt Plugin or embed it using the EmbedArt Plugin.

Other options?

Also take a look at this previously asked U&L Q&A titled: Which mp3 tagging tool for Linux?. There are several alternative tools listed in this thread.

One solution would be to use ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -i cover.jpg -map_metadata 0 -map 0 -map 1 output.mp3

You can put this in a for loop to do every MP3 in a directory:

for f in ./*.mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -i cover.jpg -map_metadata 0 -map 0 -map 1 out-"${f#./}"; done

This will create a separate output file (so if you have a file called foo.mp3, you will end up with both foo.mp3 and out-foo.mp3); this is because ffmpeg cannot write over its input. You can fix this with something like:

for f in ./*.mp3; do \
ffmpeg -i "$f" -i cover.jpg -map_metadata 0 -map 0 -map 1 out-"${f#./}" \
&& mv out-"${f#./}" "$f"; done

Using ffmpeg for this problem is a little bit like using a cruise missile to crack a nut. More specialised metadata-manipulating tools will certainly be able to do this in a cleaner, shorter command.

For MP3:

eyeD3 --add-image="cover.jpg":FRONT_COVER "file.mp3"


metaflac --import-picture-from="cover.jpg" "file.flac"

OGG/Vorbis seems to be more complicated.