Add class to body on Angular2

  1. If part of your application is in Angular, then you can do this:
let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
body.classList.remove("className");   //remove the class
body.classList.add("className");   //add the class
  1. I'll prefer answer given by @Yurzui if the whole frontend is in Angular.

Angular2 doesn't provide any built in way to modify DOM elements outside the root component (except the <title>).



  selector: 'body',
  templateUrl: 'app_element.html'
class AppElement {
  bool isFixed = true;

See also

  • How do I add a class to a given element?
  • Angular 2.x bind class on body tag

You can change your root selector to body and then use HostBinding decorator

  selector: 'body',
  template: `<child></child>`
export class AppComponent {
  @HostBinding('class') public cssClass = 'class1';

  selector: 'child',
  template: `<button (click)="setClass()">Set class</button>`
export class ChildComponent {
  constructor(private rootComp: AppComponent) {  }
  setClass() {
    this.rootComp.cssClass = 'class2';