Add index column to CSV file

I assume you have a commas delimited file.

Using vim, open the file. In normal mode, type


:%s/^/\=line('.')/ adds the line number at the beginning of the line. Since you have a commas delimited file (add a column) you need a comma after your line number. so the .','

see this answer for full explanation about :%s/^/\=line('.')/

This will probably work:

awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '
  NR == 1 {print "ID", $0; next}
  {print (NR-1), $0}
' input.csv > output.csv

In awk, the NR variable is "the total number of input records seen so far", which in general means "the current line number". So the NR == 1 in the first line is how we match the first record and add the "ID" column header, and for the remaining lines we use NR-1 as the index.

The -F'\t' argument sets the input field separator, and -vOFS='\t' sets the output field separator.

Since no technology is specified in the original post, I'd be happy here to keep it simple.

(all the fancy Vim/bash solutions are fine if you know what you're doing).

  • Open the CSV file in your favourite spreadsheet programme (I'm using LibreOffice, but Excel or a native Mac equivalent will do)
  • insert a column to the left of column A
  • Enter a 1 into cell A2, the first cell under the headers
  • Double-click the blob at the bottom right of the cell as shown in the screenshot:

LibreOffice wizardry

This last step will fill the index column with 1,2,3... etc. You can then save the resulting spreadsheet as a CSV file again.


