Add region constraint to Graphics
You can use the three-argument form of Circle
Graphics[{Red, Circle[{0, 0}, 1], Black,
MapThread[Circle[{#1, #2}, #3, {π + ArcTan[#3], 2 π - ArcTan[#3]}] &,
{x, y, radius}]},
PlotRange -> {{-range, range}, {-range, range}}]
Alternatively, use RegionIntersection
with Disk[]
to get the needed portions of black circles:
circles = MapThread[Circle[{#1, #2}, #3] &, {x, y, radius}];
circles2 = RegionIntersection[Disk[], #] & /@ N[circles];
Graphics[{Red, Circle[{0, 0}, 1], Black, circles2},
PlotRange -> {{-range, range}, {-range, range}}]
same picture
Update: An alternative way to hide unwanted portions of circles
using FilledCurve
filledCurve = FilledCurve[{{Line[Append[#, First @ #]& @
CirclePoints[range Sqrt @2, 4]]},
{Line[Append[#, First @ #]& @ CirclePoints[200]]}}];
Graphics[{Red, Circle[{0, 0}, 1], Black, circles,
EdgeForm[None], White, filledCurve},
PlotRange -> {{-range, range}, {-range, range}}]
same picture as above
g = Graphics[{Red, Circle[{0, 0}, 1], Black,
MapThread[Circle[{#1, #2}, #3] &, {x, y, radius}]},
PlotRange -> {{-range, range}, {-range, range}}];
Show[g, RegionPlot[x^2 + y^2 > 1, {x, -1.2, 1.2}, {y, -1.2, 1.2},
PlotStyle -> White]]