Add the “iCloud containers” entitlement to your App ID

I was trying to add an App ID matching my project's bundle ID, but it still doesn't update the warnings in iCloud.

Then I found that in "General" -> "Signing" it says Target is ad hoc signed, and I tapped the Enable Development Signing button, then Xcode started to auto manage the App ID etc and everything turned green :]

I solved this by:

  1. Turn off iCloud capabilities.

  2. Change the app's bundle id.

  3. Turn on iCloud capabilities.

Now everything is regenerated afresh, and the error goes away. Of course, now the bundle id is wrong. But now you can go to the member center, delete the old (faulty) app id and any associated provisioning profiles, and change the bundle id back again.

For me everything was just fine. I had to close and reopen xcode. Then go to 'Capabilities' and Toggle the 'iCloud' i.e OFF and Then ON it again.

I was having the same problem couple of days ago. Fixed it by doing these steps:

  1. Go to your developer account
  2. Find the App ID you are working on
  3. Click edit.
  4. On the iCloud section select the radio button that says "Include CloudKit support (requires Xcode 6)" enter image description here

Worked for me.