Add .well-known to core

I tried adding a file to it and also edit csproj:

  <Content Include="wwwroot\.well-known\" />

You can't copy over folders via Content, only files. You have to change it to

  <Content Include="wwwroot\**">

and like mentioned in the comments, you need to put an empty dummy file inside.

Another approach is to make a controller - if you have complex rules - or the file varies by domain (as it does for certain types of verification tokens).

public class WellKnownFileController : Controller
    public WellKnownFileController()


    public ContentResult AppleMerchantIDDomainAssociation()
        switch (Request.Host.Host)
            case "":
                return new ContentResult
                    Content = @"7B227073323935343637",
                    ContentType = "text/text"

                throw new Exception("Unregistered domain!");

You can then just hit .well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association and get this controller.

Of course you can load the file from disk or whatever you need to do - or have a passthrough.

you can add the below code to the MyProject.csproj file

    <Content Include=".well-known\acme-challenge\**">