Adding a curved arrow to a block diagram?
For switch I design special node. Maybe you like such solution :-)
Beside this, I use different TikZ libraries (arrows.meta, bending, positioning
), introduce new command for shorter writing of switch and replace obsolete \tikzstyle
with \tikzset
as well as syntax for positioning of nodes. Also I done some changes in coordinate nodes style definition (it works with TikZ 3.1)
\newcommand\ppbb{path picture bounding box}% added for shorter code of switch
\tikzset{% replace tikstyle
block/.style = {draw, fill=blue!20, rectangle,
minimum height=3em, minimum width=6em},
sum/.style = {circle, draw, fill=blue!20, node contents={}},
input/.style = {coordinate,node contents={}},% changed
output/.style = {coordinate,node contents={}},%c changed
switch/.style = {minimum size=3em,% new style for switch
path picture={ \draw
([xshift=-3mm] \ -- ++ (45:6mm);
\draw[shorten >=3mm,-]
(\ppbb.west) edge (\
(\ppbb.east) -- (\;
([yshift=-2mm] \ arc[start angle=-15, end angle=75, radius=6mm];
},% end of drawing in node
label={[yshift=-2mm] above:#1},
node contents={}},
%pinstyle/.style = {pin edge={to-,thin,black}]% not used in this image
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=2cm,>={Latex[flex]}]
% We start by placing the blocks
\node (input) [input];
\node (sum) [sum, right of=input];
\node (controller) [block, right=1cm of sum] {C(s)};
\node (system) [block, right=of controller] {$G_p$};
\node (switch) [switch=$T$, right=0 cm of system]; % <-- added switch
\node (output) [output, right=of switch];
% We draw an edge between the controller and system block to
% calculate the coordinate u. We need it to place the measurement block.
\draw [->] (controller) -- node (u) {$u$} (system);
\node (measurements) [output,below of=u] {};
\draw [->] (input) -- node {$r$} (sum);
\draw [->] (sum) -- node {$e$} (controller);
\draw [->] (switch) -- node (y) {$y$} (output);
\draw (y) |- (measurements);
\draw [->] (measurements) -| node[pos=0.95] {$-$}
node[near end] {$y$} (sum);
The code provided in the question did not produce the output shown for me, so I improvised a bit and tidied up somewhat.
Anyway, here's one ad hoc way:
node distance=2cm,
block/.style={draw, fill=blue!25},
sum/.style={draw, circle, fill=blue!25},
% We start by placing the blocks
\node [input, name=input] {};
\node [sum, right of=input] (sum) {};
\node [block, right of=sum] (controller) {C(s)};
\node [block, right=20mm of controller, %pin={[pinstyle]above:},
] (system) {$G_p$};
% We draw an edge between the controller and system block to
% calculate the coordinate u. We need it to place the measurement block.
\draw [->] (controller) -- node[name=u] {$u$} (system);
\node [output, right of=system] (output) {};
\coordinate [below of=u] (measurements) ;
\draw [draw,->] (input) -- node {$r$} (sum);
\draw [->] (sum) -- node {$e$} (controller);
\draw [->] (system) -- ++(5mm,0) coordinate (p) edge [-] +(45:5mm) +(5mm,0) -- node [name=y] {$y$}(output);
\draw [{Latex[bend,scale=.5]}-{Latex[bend,scale=.5]}] ($(p)+(80:2.5mm)$) [out=0, in=90] to ($(p)+(10:2.5mm)$);
\draw [-] (y) |- (measurements);
\draw [->] (measurements) -| node[pos=0.99] {$-$} node [near end] {$y$} (sum);
Obviously, it would be better to use one of the specialised packages available for drawing circuits or whatever, if applicable.