Adding global title to Plots.jl subplots

More recent versions of Plots.jl support the plot_title attribute, which provides a title for the whole plot. This can be combined with individual titles of individual plots.

using Plots   

layout = @layout [a{0.66w} b{0.33w}]
LHS = heatmap(rand(100, 100), title="Title for just the heatmap")
RHS = plot(1:100, 1:100, title="Only the line")
plot(LHS, RHS, plot_title="Overall title of the plot")

Alternatively, you can set the title for an existing plot directly.

p = plot(LHS, RHS)
p[:plot_title] = "Overall title of the plot"

Example plot, produced by the code above

When using the pyplot backend, you can use PyPlot commands to alter a Plots figure, cf. Accessing backend specific functionality with Julia Plots.

To set a title for the whole figure, you could do something like:

using Plots
p1 = plot(sin, title = "sin")
p2 = plot(cos, title = "cos")
p = plot(p1, p2, top_margin=1cm)
import PyPlot
PyPlot.suptitle("Trigonometric functions")

One needs to explicitly call PyPlot.savefig to see the effect of the PyPlot functions.

Note that all changes made using the PyPlot interface will be overwritten when you use a Plots function.

This is a bit of a hack, but should be agnostic to the backend. Basically create a new plot where the only contents are the title you want, and then add it on top using layout. Here is an example using the GR backend:

# create a transparent scatter plot with an 'annotation' that will become title
y = ones(3) 
title = Plots.scatter(y, marker=0,markeralpha=0, annotations=(2, y[2], Plots.text("This is title")),axis=false, grid=false, leg=false,size=(200,100))

# combine the 'title' plot with your real plots
    Plots.plot(rand(100,4), layout = 4),


enter image description here


