Adding minutes to datetime in momentjs

moment().format("LTS") returns a string value in hh:mm:ss AM/PM format. When you create a moment object using a string that is not in standard format, you should pass the input format as second parameter to moment constructor.

For eg: Jan 1, 2017 in string 01012017 is not a standard representation. But if you need a moment object out of it, using moment("01012017") will give "Invalid Date" response when formatting. Instead, use moment("01012017","DDMMYYYY")

var d = moment("01012017")
d.toISOString() => "Invalid date"

var d = moment("01012017", "DDMMYYYY")
d.toISOString() => "2016-12-31T18:30:00.000Z"

In your code, when creating 'date' variable pass "hh:mm:ss A" as second parameter in the moment constructor as mentioned below .

   var date = moment(startdate, "hh:mm:ss A")
        .add(seconds, 'seconds')
        .add(minutes, 'minutes')

Moment has really good documentation. I would check it out:

But to address your question more directly, you could do something like:

var secondsToMinutes = '3:20';
var seconds = secondsToMinutes.split(':')[1];
var minutes = secondsToMinutes.split(':')[0];

var momentInTime = moment(...)

You should use the actual handlers to the best of your ability. There are some cool things you can do with durations now, but this is more succinct.


As mentioned in a different answer:

 moment('2:00:00 PM', 'h:mm:ss A')

Is necessary if you're handling that format. Regardless - adding/subtracting minutes/hours to a moment object is trivial. Passing invalid strings to a moment object is a different issue in-and-of itself. ;)