Adding positional guides to multiple points in 3D plots?
You can draw Line
Graphics3D[{RandomColor[], PointSize[0.04], Point[pointstoplot],
Black, Dashed, PointSize[0.02], Gray,
Table[{Line[{p, {p[[1]], p[[2]], 0}}],
Point[{p[[1]], p[[2]], 0}]}, {p, pointstoplot}]}]
{p[[1]], p[[2]], 0}
defines that the lines end at z=0
plane. You can also do the same thing to other planes as well.
pointstoplot = RandomReal[{0, 5}, {10, 3}];
You can use ListPointPlot3D
with the option Filling -> Axis
lpp = ListPointPlot3D[pointstoplot, BoxRatios -> 1,
PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.04], Filling -> Axis,
FillingStyle -> Directive[Thick, Dashed],
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"];
labels = Graphics3D@MapIndexed[Text[#2[[1]], #] &, pointstoplot];
Show[lpp , labels]
Alternatively, you can use BubbleChart3D
with a custom ChartElementFunction
to add the dashed lines:
cEF = Module[{m = Mean[Transpose[#]]}, {ChartElementData["Bubble3D"][##],
PointSize[Large], Point[{m[[1]], m[[2]], 0}], Thick, Dashed,
Line[{{m[[1]], m[[2]], 0}, m}]}] &;
BubbleChart3D[Append[#, 1] & /@ pointstoplot,
BubbleSizes -> {.05, .05},
ChartLabels -> Range[Length@pointstoplot], LabelStyle -> Medium,
ChartStyle -> "Rainbow", ChartElementFunction -> cEF,
FaceGrids -> {}, PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.04]]
To show the three drop lines you can modify cEF
as follows:
cEF2 = Module[{m = Mean[Transpose[#]], bb = Charting`ChartStyleInformation["BoundingBox"]},
{ChartElementData["Bubble3D"][##], PointSize[Large],
{Point[#], Thick, Dashed, Line[{#, m}]} & /@
(MapAt[#, m, {#2}] & @@@
{{bb[[1, 1]] &, 1}, {bb[[2, 2]] &, 2}, {bb[[3, 1]] &, 3}})}] &;
BubbleChart3D[Append[#, 1] & /@ pointstoplot,
BubbleSizes -> {.05, .05}, ChartLabels -> Range[Length@pointstoplot],
LabelStyle -> Medium, ChartStyle -> "Rainbow",
ChartElementFunction -> cEF2, FaceGrids -> {}]