Adding tabs or creating my own command

If I understand correctly, you are looking for something like this: enter image description here




\item \itab{Format:}  \tab{$math$ formula}
      \tab{is} \tab{(the real number)}
\item \itab{Example:} \tab{$\pi$} 
      \tab{is (first digits)} \tab{3.141593}    
\item \itab{Ome more:} \tab{$log_{10}(\pi)$} 
      \tab{is} \tab{1.14473}    


A simpler approach is put the text in a \makebox so we need only one command. In the example, when the text is wider than 25% of the line width, the text turns red (for demostration purposes) and the length of the \makebox is doubled automatically:



\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tabcont < .25\linewidth}}%
{\makebox[.5\linewidth][l]{\color{red} #1}\ignorespaces}%



\item \tab{Format:} 
      \tab{$math$ formula}
      \tab{(the real number)}

\item \tab{Example:} 
      \tab{is (first digits)}

\item \tab{Example:} 
      \tab{is (more digits)}

\item \tab{One more example:} 



But there is no need to reinvent the wheel! It could be worth look the tabto package:

\item Format: 
      \tab{$math$ formula}
      \tab{(the real number)}
\item Example: 
      \tab{is (first digits)}
\item Example: 
      \tab{is (more digits)}
\item One more example: 

The result is the same as above (without color).

Here is an option that mimics Heiko's answer in I want to indent the next line by an exactly specified position:

enter image description here

% \zsaveposx is defined since 2011/12/05 v2.23 of zref-savepos
\newcommand*{\tab}[2]{% \tab{<len>}{<stuff>}
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% Just for this example

\makebox[25ex][l]{\texttt{25ex}\hrulefill} \par
\makebox[\linewidth][l]{\texttt{\string\linewidth}\hrulefill} \par
Text1 \tab{5em}{Text2} \tab{25ex}{Text3} \tab{\linewidth}{Text4}


It allows you to specify a tab position relative to the left margin of the text block using \tab{<len>}{<stuff>}. Positioning is managed via zref's savepos module to mark the PDF location/length (in scaled points) and then perform the horizontal jumping around via \kerning.

In the image provided, the horizontal tab stops are identified via markers to accentuate the positioning.