Adding widgets to qtablewidget pyqt

In PyQt4 add button to qtablewidget :

btn= QtGui.QPushButton('Hello')
qtable_name.setCellWidget(0,0, btn) # qtable_name is your qtablewidget name

You have a couple of questions rolled into one...short answer, yes, you can add a button to a QTableWidget - you can add any widget to the table widget by calling setCellWidget:

# initialize a table somehow
table = QTableWidget(parent)

# create an cell widget
btn = QPushButton(table)
table.setCellWidget(0, 0, btn)

But that doesn't sound like what you actually want.

It sounds like you want to react to a user double-clicking one of your cells, as though they clicked a button, presumably to bring up a dialog or editor or something.

If that is the case, all you really need to do is connect to the itemDoubleClicked signal from the QTableWidget, like so:

def editItem(item):
    print 'editing', item.text()    

# initialize a table widget somehow
table = QTableWidget(parent)

# create an item
item = QTableWidgetItem('12/1/12')
table.setItem(0, 0, item)

# if you don't want to allow in-table editing, either disable the table like:
table.setEditTriggers( QTableWidget.NoEditTriggers )

# or specifically for this item
item.setFlags( item.flags() ^ Qt.ItemIsEditable)

# create a connection to the double click event