Adding word 'Table' before each entry in list of tables

You can use the chngcntr package to change the counter for figures and the one for the tables, and the tocloft package to add the words "Table" and "Figure" to the list of tables and figures. A little example:



\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure\ }
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table\ }


    \chapter*{List of Tables and Figures}%


\chapter{Test one}
\section{Test one one}

  \caption{Test table one}

  \caption{Test figure one}

\chapter{Test two}
\section{Test two two}

  \caption{Test table two}

  \caption{Test figure two}


Only the combined list of the resulting document is shown:

Just use these commands instead of \listoftables and \listoffigures:

for figures:


for tables:


No need to use any packages and make things complicated.