Address of a temporary in Go?

The address operator returns a pointer to something having a "home", e.g. a variable. The value of the expression in your code is "homeless". if you really need a *string, you'll have to do it in 2 steps:

tmp := a(); b := &tmp

Note that while there are completely valid use cases for *string, many times it's a mistake to use them. In Go string is a value type, but a cheap one to pass around (a pointer and an int). String's value is immutable, changing a *string changes where the "home" points to, not the string value, so in most cases *string is not needed at all.

See the relevant section of the Go language spec. & can only be used on:

  1. Something that is addressable: variable, pointer indirection, slice indexing operation, field selector of an addressable struct, array indexing operation of an addressable array; OR
  2. A composite literal

What you have is neither of those, so it doesn't work.

I'm not even sure what it would mean even if you could do it. Taking the address of the result of a function call? Usually, you pass a pointer of something to someone because you want them to be able to assign to the thing pointed to, and see the changes in the original variable. But the result of a function call is temporary; nobody else "sees" it unless you assign it to something first.

If the purpose of creating the pointer is to create something with a dynamic lifetime, similar to new() or taking the address of a composite literal, then you can assign the result of the function call to a variable and take the address of that.