advantages of automation testing code example

Example 1: advantages of automation

-Returns the invesment buy requiring less human power
-It can run tests 24/7
-We can reuse the test scripts
-Automation helps you find bugs in the early stages
of software development,
reducing expenses and working hours to fix these problems as well.
-It is more fun since no repetitive testing
-Also automating test allows to run tests on thousands of 
mobile devices.Testing all of them manually would take forever
In the end you will have a better quality software 
which will be released earlier, with less problems and
you have used less resources.

Example 2: advantages of automation testing

Benefits of automated testing
1. ROI (Return of Invetsment)
•	Let’s start from the beginning:
   the initially big investment. 
   This may be a hold back for many, 
   but it is proven that the return of
   that investment is a long-term one
   and it will also save time.  
•	No matter where you are in the world.
   You can start the tests when you leave
   the office and when you get back in the
   morning you can see the results and keep on working.
   You can even do that remotely if you don’t
   have a lot of devices or you don’t
   have the possibility to buy them.
•	You don’t need a lot of people:
   you would need a test automation engineer
   to write your scripts to automate your tests,
   instead of a lot of people doing
   boring manual tests over and over again. 
•	The scripts are reusable:
o	You don’t need new scripts all the time,
    even if the version of the OS on the
    device changes It allows you to redo
    the test exactly the same, without
    forgetting any steps
5. BUGS:
•	Automation helps you find bugs in the
    early stages of software development,
    reducing expenses and working hours
    to fix these problems as well.
•	Automated testing is more reliable and
    way quicker when running boring repetitive
    standardized tests which can not be skipped,
    ever, but may cause errors when manually tested.
•	You can test more devices simultaneously
    resulting in comparative detailed reports
    generated in less time with the exact the
    same parameters, because the exact
    same scripts were run.
•	Automated testing helps testers,
   such as automation engineers.
   They can see exactly what other engineers
   have done, what scripts he has already 
   written and what tests have already been
   performed and what bugs were already found
   and fixed, through clear reports.
•	One of the these methods is the stress test
    in which the capacities of the application and
    operational infrastructure will be tested to
    it’s limits with stress test,
    which can’t be done manually.
•	Automated testing allows to run tests
    on thousands of mobile devices
    Testing all of them manually would be impossible!