Align within align

You can use flalign; with \lefteqn the width of the argument is ignored.



Some text before the display just to see where the margins of the type block
are, some more to be sure
(1)\quad A &\to \lefteqn{(*some terms*)} &&& \\
& & A.a &= (*some terms*) \\
& & A.b &= (*some terms*) \\
& & A.c &= (*some terms*) \\
(2)\quad B &\to \lefteqn{(*some terms*)} \\
& & B.a &= (*some terms*) \\
& & B.b &= (*some terms*) \\
& & B.c &= (*some terms*) \\
(3)\quad C &\to \lefteqn{(*some terms*)} \\
& & C.a &= (*some terms*) \\
& & C.b &= (*some terms*) \\
& & C.c &= (*some terms*)
Some text before the display just to see where the margins of the type block
are, some more to be sure


enter image description here

You can always use the capabilities of eqparbox to provide similarly-sized widths across document elements (like enumerate or align):

enter image description here




Some text before the display just to see where the margins of the type block
are, some more to be sure:
  $\eqmakebox[LHSitem][r]{$A$} \to text{(*some terms*)}$
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$A.a$} &= \text{(*some terms*)} \\
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$A.b$} &= \text{(*some terms*)} \\
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$A.c$} &= \text{(*some terms*)}
  $\eqmakebox[LHSitem][r]{$AB$} \to \text{(*some terms*)}$
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$AB.a$} &= \text{(*some terms*)} \\
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$AB.b$} &= \text{(*some terms*)} \\
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$AB.c$} &= \text{(*some terms*)}
  $\eqmakebox[LHSitem][r]{$ABC$} \to \text{(*some terms*)}$
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$ABC.a$} &= \text{(*some terms*)} \\
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$ABC.b$} &= \text{(*some terms*)} \\
    \eqmakebox[LHS][r]{$ABC.c$} &= \text{(*some terms*)}
Some text before the display just to see where the margins of the type block
are, some more to be sure.


