Aligning across 'aligned' equation blocks

I have a solution as well. It is taken from the MathMode documentation on CTAN, page 112.

   \mbox{\hspace{5cm}} & \mbox{\hspace{5cm}} \nonumber\\%
An equation;
   D &= I\left(1+r\right)^t
Equation with a long left hand side;
   \left(1+d\right)^{-T} &= U
Equation with a long right hand side
   PV &= \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}
They all align with the = sign :)

I can't post an image because I am a new user and therefore don't have enough reputation. But build it and observe!

I think this simpler and more elegant than Stefan's solution, but hey. Horses for courses.


Here's a solution using the widths of the widest expression on each side. You have to specify which expression it is:

\renewcommand*{\leftterm}{\alpha_X \times \alpha_Y}
\renewcommand*{\rightterm}{\sqrt{\sinh E - \tan^2\tfrac{F}{2}}}
    \leftterm &= \makebox[\rightside][l]{\term{\chi}} \\
    \alpha_X \times \beta_Y &= \xi \\
    \beta_X \times \beta_Y &= \zeta
  \end{aligned}\right\} \quad X<Y \\[2em]
    \makebox[\leftside][r]{\term{\Upsilon_j}} &= 0 \\
    \Psi_j &= \rightterm \\
    \Gamma_j &= F
  \end{aligned}\right\} \quad j=1,\ldots,g

Equal signs as well as the big braces line up:

alt text