Aligning the bottom of a picture and a chapter title

I would use titlesec and its explicit option to design the chapter titles; two minipages with bottom alignment will take care of the alignment of the number and the title; something along these lines (feel free to adjust the lengths according to your needs):


\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, 
    text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]

% the width of the box containing the chapter number

      \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm, auto]%
        \node [block] (init) {\fontsize{80}{88}\selectfont\sffamily\thechapter};%
       \raggedright\sffamily #1


\chapter{Short Title}

\section{Rectangular coordinates} \lipsum[1]
\section{Projections of a segment on the axes} \lipsum[2]
\section{Distance between two points} \lipsum[3]
\section{The mid-point of a segment} \lipsum[4]
\section{Division of a segment in any ratio} \lipsum[5]
\section{Oblique coordinates} \lipsum[6]

\chapter{Title Which is Really Just Way Too Long}

\section{First illustrations} \lipsum[1]
\section{Curve plotting} \lipsum[2]
\section{Test that a point lie on a curve} \lipsum[3]
\section{Intercepts} \lipsum[4]
\section{Points of intersection of two curves} \lipsum[5]
\section{Oblique coordinates} \lipsum[6]


enter image description here

You could just use

\chapter[Title Which is Really Just Way Too Long]%
  {\parbox[b]{0.6\linewidth}{Title Which is Really Just Way Too Long}}

to put your chapter title in a paragraph box which is aligned at the bottom. I've also added a ToC entry that is not put inside a \parbox, since the ToC may handle the alignment correctly. The choice of 0.6\linewidth was just enough to make sure that the contents of the \parbox doesn't spill over the right margin.

enter image description here