Amazon AWS Route 53 Hosted Zone does not work

You have successfully transfered the domain to Gandi, but your domain is still configured with GD nameservers. Check this:

  1. Log in to your AWS web console
  2. Select Route53 service
  3. Select Hosted Zones in the left pane
  4. Select (but do not click on the domain name, just select the radio button)
  5. Notice the 4 name servers in the right pane.
  6. Next, go to domain registrar site (in your case stay in Route53), log in and configure name servers for your domain. In Route53: select 'Registered domains' in the left pane, click on your domain name, verify that in the upper right you have name servers from step 5, if they don't exactly match, click 'Add/Edit Name servers' and enter name servers from step 5)

I had a mismatch of the domain servers between the registered domain and the Hosted zones.

To solve this you should copy the domain name server from Route 53 -> Hosted zones:

enter image description here


Route 53 -> Registered domains -> Name servers:

enter image description here

However, the management console didn't show me the correct domain servers in the Hosted zones filed. Therefore, I had to use the aws-cli as follows:

aws route53 list-hosted-zones
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id <ID_OF_ZONE>

This returned the list of name servers that the hosted zone was using. Copy this list into the Registered domains section of Name Servers.

Afterwards, my A recorded started without any issues.

Just a note for those that have Route 53 domains that are not resolving, but passing the "Check Record Set".

This can be because your NS Records in your "Zone Information" and "Registered Domains" are different than what was assigned.

The name servers are assigned and can be looked at by clicking the radio button under "Hosted Zones".

Open a new window, and click on "Registered domains". Then click on your domain. In the upper right, there is a list of Name Servers. Those must match the ones assigned.

(Just changing the NS Records in the Hosted Zone page isn't enough.)

If there is a difference, click on the Add or Edit Name Servers under Regstered Domains. Add them one at a time into the table.

Click modify and you should see them start working... You can check on

If you replaced the automatically generated Hosted Zone, don't forget to go under "Registered domains", select your domain and then click on "Add or edit name servers". It is a small link under the list of nameservers associated to your domain, if they still match the ones of your old hosted zone you should change them with the new ones.