An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

Check your client's app.config binding setting and see if you have specified a Max message size. The default value for this is 65536

To change this, either put it in your binding configuration (maxReceivedMessageSize, maxBufferSize and maxArrayLength are key properties for this) in your app.config, or programmatically by changing the property on the binding, like so

System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding binding = new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding();

// if you are getting a LOT of data back, you will need to up Message Size
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue; 

If this doesnt solve your issue, you will have to check the server side's event log for details. The message means that the client didnt expect the connection to close, but it did, and it could mean many different things.

If possible, use WCF for web services. It solves a lot of problems that ASMX services still suffer from.

To increase the server side transmission limit and execution timeout, use this

    <httpRuntime maxMessageLength="409600" executionTimeoutInSeconds="300"/> 

I was having the exact same issue. Web service calls would fail with the same intermittent exception (~ once a day). It wasn't related to too large packet sizes or too small timeouts.

I ended up just putting in some retry logic which has worked around the problem. See: How can I improve this exception retry scenario?