Anaconda3 activate.bat is not recognized as an internal or external command

This is a known Anaconda bug: From their Github:

" I have fixed the underlying bug here but we will not release new Anaconda installers for a while.

The fix is in the latest Miniconda installers:



Install those, then run the Anaconda Prompt and install whatever packages you need. If you want the latest full Anaconda release then use:

conda install anaconda=5.0.1"

Check this github thread for the full answer:

When you installing Anaconda3 on Windows 10 and the Anaconda Navigator menu item does not install, and running the Anaconda Prompt gives the activate.bat error.

  1. Delete all instances of the previous python IDEs
  2. Reveal hidden files within the control menu
  3. Go to -> C:\Users[Username] in windows explorer
  4. Delete the files .conda and .anaconda. Possibly others if you had other IDEs.
  5. Go to -> C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Local
  6. Delete all python related files conda, python, ect.. any instances other python IDEs
  7. Go to -> C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Roaming
  8. Delete all python related files conda, python, ect.. any instances other python IDEs
  9. Run the Anaconda installer as Admin and install in a directory such as C:\anaconda3
  10. Sit back and wonder why an install took 4 hours out of my life and start drinking.

At some point I felt like this was a test for the uninitiated... can I start coding now?

I think the problem will be solved by clearing all dependencies.
I initially had python installed, 2.7 and 3.6. I just get rid of all of them. The problem is not solved yet.

I discovered that My MySQL server is running. I just closed it but it did not work. I just uninstalled it completely and The problem is solved.
Anaconda needs to listen to , I think 8888 port, which might be used also by MySQL server as well.

I hope this will help.