Analog to SQL 'JOIN' for Javascript objects?

You can do it with Alasql JavaScript SQL library:

var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? authors \
       LEFT JOIN ? books ON = books.author_id',[authors, books]);

Try this example with your data in jsFiddle.

Also you can load CSV data directly into SQL expression:

alasql('SELECT * FROM CSV("authors.csv", {headers:true}) authors \
            LEFT JOIN CSV("books.csv", {headers:true}) books \
            ON = books.author_id',[], function(res) {

Basically, like this:

// first, build an easier lookup of author data:
var authormap = {};
authors.forEach(function(author) {authormap[] = author;});

// now do the "join":
books.forEach(function(book) { = authormap[book.author_id];

// now you can access:

I was looking for something like this as well, and solved it using a bit of functional programming. I've taken the liberty of adding a couple of objects to your initial arrays in order to deal with the "NULL" cases.

var books = [
    {author_id: 1, title: 'Coloring for beginners'},
    {author_id: 1, title: 'Advanced coloring'},
    {author_id: 2, title: '50 Hikes in New England'},
    {author_id: 2, title: '50 Hikes in Illinois'},
    {author_id: 3, title: 'String Theory for Dummies'},
    {author_id: 5, title: 'Map-Reduce for Fun and Profit'}    
var authors = [
    {id: 1, name: 'adam'},
    {id: 2, name: 'bob'},
    {id: 3, name: 'charlie'},
    {id: 4, name: 'diane'}

So now you have a book without an author and an author without a book. My solution looks like this:

var joined = {
    return Object.assign({}, e, authors.reduce(function(acc, val) {
        if ( == e.author_id) {
            return val
        } else {
            return acc
    }, {}))

The map method goes through every element of books using e and returns an array whose elements are the merged object of e, with its corresponding object in the authors array. Object.assign({},a,b) takes care the merge without modifying the original objects.

The corresponding object to each e in books is found by applying a reduce method on the authors array. Starting out with the initial value of an empty object {} (this is the second argument of reduce - it also could have been a null author such as {id:'', name ''}) the reduce method goes through the elements of authors using val and returns the object that ends up in acc. When a match is found between the books author_id and the author's id the entire matched author object ends up in acc and eventually gets returned by authors.reduce(...).

n.b. - Using reduce isn't that efficient because there is no way to break out of reduce loop once the match is found, it will continue to the end of the array