Analysis of multiple response
Your function is actually far too complicated for what you need to do. I think a function like this should work and be more flexible.
multfreqtable = function(data, question.prefix) {
# Find the columns with the questions
a = grep(question.prefix, names(data))
# Find the total number of responses
b = sum(data[, a] != 0)
# Find the totals for each question
d = colSums(data[, a] != 0)
# Find the number of respondents
e = sum(rowSums(data[,a]) !=0)
# d + b as a vector. This is your overfall frequency
f = as.numeric(c(d, b))
data.frame(question = c(names(d), "Total"),
freq = f,
percent = (f/b)*100,
percentofcases = (f/e)*100 )
Add another question to your example dataset:
set.seed(1); df1$q2a = sample(c(0, 1), 30, replace=T)
set.seed(2); df1$q2b = sample(c(0, 2), 30, replace=T)
set.seed(3); df1$q2c = sample(c(0, 3), 30, replace=T)
Make a table for "q1" responses:
> multfreqtable(df1, "q1")
question freq percent percentofcases
1 q1a 15 33.33333 60
2 q1b 15 33.33333 60
3 q1c 15 33.33333 60
4 Total 45 100.00000 180
Make a table for "q2" responses:
> multfreqtable(df1, "q2")
question freq percent percentofcases
1 q2a 14 31.11111 53.84615
2 q2b 13 28.88889 50.00000
3 q2c 18 40.00000 69.23077
4 Total 45 100.00000 173.07692
Tables for multiple questions
Here's a modified version of the function that allows you to create a list of tables for multiple questions at once:
multfreqtable = function(data, question.prefix) {
z = length(question.prefix)
temp = vector("list", z)
for (i in 1:z) {
a = grep(question.prefix[i], names(data))
b = sum(data[, a] != 0)
d = colSums(data[, a] != 0)
e = sum(rowSums(data[,a]) !=0)
f = as.numeric(c(d, b))
temp[[i]] = data.frame(question = c(sub(question.prefix[i],
"", names(d)), "Total"),
freq = f,
percent = (f/b)*100,
percentofcases = (f/e)*100 )
names(temp)[i] = question.prefix[i]
> multfreqtable(df1, "q1")
question freq percent percentofcases
1 a 15 33.33333 60
2 b 15 33.33333 60
3 c 15 33.33333 60
4 Total 45 100.00000 180
> test1 = multfreqtable(df1, c("q1", "q2"))
> test1
question freq percent percentofcases
1 a 15 33.33333 60
2 b 15 33.33333 60
3 c 15 33.33333 60
4 Total 45 100.00000 180
question freq percent percentofcases
1 a 14 31.11111 53.84615
2 b 13 28.88889 50.00000
3 c 18 40.00000 69.23077
4 Total 45 100.00000 173.07692
> test1$q1
question freq percent percentofcases
1 a 15 33.33333 60
2 b 15 33.33333 60
3 c 15 33.33333 60
4 Total 45 100.00000 180