Android app is supported by 0 devices

I had faced a similar issue when I had declared camera hardware in uses-feature tag in manifest file in my application as follows:

<uses-feature android:name="">

If you don't specify the android:required attribute it defaults to "true". Thus, Google Play Store will assume that the application will not work unless the camera hardware is present.

Once you set android:required to false as given below, Play Store will accept the APK and will show a list of devices available for the application.

<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

You may also look for misspellings on features descriptors. For supported feature descriptors see

For more information:

Go to release management then -> Device catalog, and select any Unsupported device to show its details and you will see the reason why this device doesn't supported

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

To me the issue was this line in the manifest file:

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera2" />

I would've spend maybe quite some time to track it down but, fortunately, Google provides in the developer console the ability to contact them via chat (for some reason that option is not present anymore ATMW, maybe it's capped?). They were able to pinpoint the issue in a few minutes, I had to change the above line to

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera2" android:required="false" />

Quite a time saver, so thanks Google!

We recently moved to Android Studio (from Eclipse) and I was trying to upload my first production version built with Studio, and I got the dreaded "Supported Android Devices 0" message when I uploaded my APK. The solution ended up being how we were including the apache commons codec library.

Check your build.gradle file - if you see something like:

compile ''

change it to:

compile 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.+'

My theory is that the "" part of the namespace is screwing up the developer console and using the shorthand works fine.

How did I discover this? Well, I didn't, they did I just got lucky and found their commit message via a Google search.