Android Auto - Voice - Cannot perform "Play [x] on [y]"

Simply declare an intent-filter for MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH in an Activity declaration. It is not mandatory for Android Auto to actually handle the intent, since Android Auto will call the MediaSession.Callback.onPlayFromSearch. The declaration in the manifest serves to flag your app as available to respond media voice commands. However, you might want to handle it properly, because other non-Auto environments, like Google Now, will submit voice searches via that intent.

The best way to handle the intent is by calling MediaController.TransportControls.playFromSearch, so you handle it in a consistent way no matter how the voice search was triggered.

See this snippet from uAmp AndroidManifest.xml:

    <!-- Main activity for music browsing on phone -->


        <!-- Use this intent filter to get voice searches, like "Play The Beatles" -->
            <action android:name="" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

And this is how the intent is handled:

protected void onMediaControllerConnected() {
    if (mVoiceSearchParams != null) {
        String query = mVoiceSearchParams.getString(SearchManager.QUERY);
        getMediaController().getTransportControls().playFromSearch(query, mVoiceSearchParams);
        mVoiceSearchParams = null;

One caveat: you need to publish your app with the intent-filter and wait a few days to get it flagged and indexed for the "Play [x] on [y]" type of query. It is not instantaneous.