Android Canvas: drawing too large bitmap

This solution worked for me.

Add these lines in your Manifest application tag



The solution is to move the image from drawable/ folder to drawable-xxhdpi/ folder, as also others have mentioned.

But it is important to also understand why this somewhat weird suggestion actually helps:

The reason is that the drawable/ folder exists from early versions of android and is equivalent to drawable-mdpi. When an image that is only in drawable/ folder is used on xxhdpi device, the potentially already big image is upscaled by a factor of 3, which can then in some cases cause the image's memory footprint to explode.

I had the same problem. If you try to upload an image that is too large on some low resolution devices, the app will collapse. You can make several images of different sizes (hdpi, xxdpi and more) or simply use an external library to load images that solve the problem quickly and efficiently. I used Glide library (you can use another library like Picasso).

    panel_IMG_back = (ImageView) findViewById(;

Move your image in the (hi-res) drawable to drawable-xxhdpi. But in app development, you do not need to use large image. It will increase your APK file size.

