Android error Duplicate Resources

That's because Android considers the following to be the same when you referenced the images in your layouts:


login_bg.9.png image tells Android that this image is a 9-patch image. Whereas, the other image, login_bg.png, is a normal image. But in terms of referencing the images, they are declared the same, as in the following examples.

Normal image:


Nine-patch image:


Note: There is no difference in terms of referencing the images from your /res/drawables directory of your Android project.

See here for more info about nine-patch image, or the correct term for it is nine-patch drawable. For reference, nine-patch drawables must be declared as <name>.9.png, as in login_bg.9.png.

basically it will occur whenever the xml detects multiple files with same name, regardless of their extension type. e.g : mypicture.jpg can not be in same directory folder with mypicture.png

so does with your case, login_bg.9.png and login.png in the same directory folder is not allowed.

hopefully this may be useful. have a good day

Delete the image from drawable directory because you are using same name director within one folder which is not allowed.