android: how do I check if dialogfragment is showing

 if (dialogFragment != null
     && dialogFragment.getDialog() != null
     && dialogFragment.getDialog().isShowing()
     && !dialogFragment.isRemoving()) {
            //dialog is showing so do something 
 } else {
     //dialog is not showing

UPDATE: team can you also try the below call, i think it will work logically:


that should mean its in the foreground displaying if im not mistaken.

I added this to be inside my custom dialog fragment, so I don't have to worry about any logic on the outside. Override the show() and onDismiss() methods, with a boolean shown field:

  private static boolean shown = false;

    public void show(FragmentManager manager, String tag) {
        if (shown) return;, tag);
        shown = true;

    public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
        shown = false;

If you want to check whether it is shown or not, you can create a getter for the shown boolean.